( Maintenance Sales News)
For over 30 years, XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp., has provided new and different ice melter products to meet the growing demands placed by distributors, and their end-user customer base. Company officials complement these products with an abundance of information and educational tools, all in an effort to help people safely remove snow and ice.
The No. 1 selling item at XYNYTH remains the company’s prominent Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter™. It’s specifically designed to melt ice and snow effectively, while posing no risk to users, pets, concrete or the environment, when used as directed.
( Maintenance Sales News )
Since 1986, XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp., has been producing and selling environmentally friendly ice melter products to meet a wide variety of jan/san distributor and end-user needs. Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2016, the company continues to move forward with the introduction of three new products.
( Maintenance Sales News )
Understanding true differences among the different types of ice melter products available in today’s jan/san marketplace remains a vital focus point for distributors and their end-user customers. Helping provide answers to deicing questions are seasoned representatives from XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp.
XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp. was thrilled when Canada Post chose to promote their GroundWorks (Organic) Natural Icemelter through this campaign. “One of the reasons homeowners are loathe to use icemelter is that it has a bad rap,” says one XYNYTH team member. “The old standby, rock salt, causes more trouble than it fixes. Rock salt is very detrimental to concrete, landscaping and the environment. It’s also dangerous to use around children and pets.” Unfortunately, it’s letter carriers who pay the price. Homeowners don’t de-ice in an effort to preserve the condition of their façades, but create skating rinks in their driveways.
( Maintenance Sales News )
Educating distributors and end-users about the differences and benefits of ice melter products is paramount at XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp., well known for its Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter™ and other deicers. “The more knowledgeable a distributor sales rep is, the more successful he/she will become when selling ice melter, and the better informed his/her end-user customers will be,” XYNYTH President Kevin Wice said. “Education is key We are involved in educating our distributors in so many ways — from in-house training meetings to seminars.”
( Maintenance Sales News )
There are many people in the marketplace today who want to buy environmentally friendly products. The challenge, however, is that a number of these consumers don’t want to spend extra money,” Wice said. “To answer this challenge, XYNYTH created Arctic ECO Green Icemelter ™ , using a special encapsulation process. We take sodium chloride and encapsulate it with CMA (Cal- cium Magnesium Acetate), which helps negate the neg- ative side effects of the sodium. Then we multi-encapsulate the granules again with potassium ac- etate, so that every granule of sodium going into the ground is buffered by potassium, a major ingredient in fertilizer.
( Maintenance Sales News )
A full range of ice melt products from XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp., awaits distributors and their end-use customers this year. These deicers include the company’s popular environmentally and pet friendly Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter™- a premium item specially designed to melt ice and snow effectively while posing no risk to users, pets, concrete or the environment when used as directed.
Snow covered roofs and sparkling icicles are beautiful on Christmas cards, but if it is your roof that's sagging under the weight of ice build-up, or if you have melt-water dripping down your interior walls, the scene rapidly loses its appeal. But how do you deal with ice on your roof? It's not as if it's a sidewalk which you can easily apply icemelter to, and safely shovel off.
The most common problem for home owners when it comes to ice build-up on a sloped roof is known as the ice dam phenomenon. The portion of your roof that is over your living area is likely to be warmer than the edges of your roof - the overhang - which is typically the same temperature as the ambient winter air.
Each year, a single lane of well-traveled highway can receive 40-80 tons of rock salt per mile. Unfortunately, these continuing annual applications of salt can have major detrimental effects on the environment, affecting water-courses, plants and especially trees.
Salt damages trees through two pathways: via airborne salt spray, as on a busy highway, and via the soil. Salt spray that lands on a dormant twig can enter the tissue through leaf scar and kill the dormant bud.
When salt in the soil dissolves, it separates into sodium and chloride ions. The ions act differently to damage the tree.