<% Option Explicit Response.Buffer = True Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1 Response.Expires = 0 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Sub DBConnect(ByVal strType, ByRef objConn) dim strConnection '------------------------------------------------------ ' Function: DBConnect ' Date: Oct 10,01 ' Purpose: The purpose of this function is to ' connect to the database '---------------------------------------------------- Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'strConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=XynythApp;Password=c2U1sn9T^h;Initial Catalog=Xynyth;Data Source=Xynyth4;Network Library=DBMSSOCN" strConnection = "Provider=SQLNCLI10;DataTypeCompatibility=80;Server=;Database=Xynyth;Uid=XynythApp;Pwd=c2U1sn9T^h;" objConn.Open strConnection End Sub Sub DBDisconnect(ByRef objConn) '------------------------------------------------------ ' Function: DBDisconnect ' Date: Oct 10,01 ' Purpose: The purpose of this function is to ' disconnect from the database '---------------------------------------------------- 'close the connection objConn.Close 'release the memory Set objConn = Nothing End Sub %> XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp.| North American Ice melting Industry and Deicer | Based In Vancouver
MELT ICE ( 635-8423 )

EN   /  FR
Employment Opportunities

XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp. is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer.

There are four reasons why people enjoy working for XYNYTH: teamwork, learning, leadership and work/life balance.

When you join the XYNYTH team, you will enter a working environment that will make the most of your current strengths, and challenge you to develop yourself further!

If you are interested in a career at XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp., please submit your resume to: HRdept@xynyth.com



<% dim objConn dim strSQL dim objRs dim strLink 'connect to the database call DBConnect("WEBINFO",objConn) set objRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Web_tblEmployment WHERE Type = 'Employee' AND '" & Date() & "' BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate ORDER BY ID ASC" objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly If objRs.recordcount > 0 Then Response.write "

Note - You may need to [allow pop-ups] from our site in order to view our employment ads

" Do while not(objRs.EOF) strLink = "?id=" & objRS("ID") & "&position=" & Server.URLEncode(objRs("Position")) Response.write "" objRs.movenext LOOP Response.write "
The Following Position(s) Are currently Available:

" & "" & objRs("Position") & "" & "

" Else 'Response.write "

No position available now, please come back and check again later.

" End If objRs.close set objRs = nothing 'close the connection to the database call DBDisconnect(objConn) %>