MELT ICE ( 635-8423 )

EN   /  FR
Become a XYNYTH Sales Rep

Sales Rep / Agent Inquires Welcome

XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp. is unique in the industry, both in its product offerings and its approach to marketing its products. We offer our customers a complete icemelter program and not just a product. This strategy has proven itself to be pivotal in meeting the growing demands of the customers in the industry and has made it very exciting to present XYNYTH’s offering to prospective buyers.

We go to market with manufacturer sales reps / agents, and always welcome inquires from new agents since as time marches on, situations change and territories open up.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our products & programs, the integrity of our staff and the high levels of service that we provide. Naturally we consider our sales reps to be an integral part of this. We therefore make it a point to hire quality agents, and treat them as part of the XYNYTH family. We believe in working closely with our reps to help them achieve their goals. Some of our reps have been with us for more than 15 years.


To inquire about becoming a XYNYTH Sales Rep, please complete this form and we will follow-up with you.


Your Name:
Agency Name:
Province /State:
Postal /Zipe code:
Best time of day to reach you for an interview :
Agency website:
Number of people in agency:
Number of active selling people in agency:
Geographic territory covered:
Market segment covered:
Types of accounts you currently sell to:
List other lines / manufacturers you currently represent:
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