( Maintenance Sales News - July/August 2016)
Since 1986, XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp., has been producing and selling envi- ronmentally friendly ice melter products to meet a wide variety of jan/san distributor and end-user needs. Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2016, the company continues to move forward with the introduction of three new products.
“A lot of people thought we were crazy 30 years ago to introduce environmentally friendly ice melters, but times have certainly changed,” XYNYTH President Kevin Wice said.“We remain committed to this focus, and are constantly on the lookout for new ideas and products that keep our priority on eco-friendliness high. This is what XYNYTH is all about.”
The three new products in XYNYTH’s lineup for the company’s 30th winter season are: Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter™ , which is specifically designed for use around all types of GREEN Eco-buildings and properties. The product melts ice and snow in temperatures as low as -21ºC (-6ºF).
“There are certain specifications connected with GREEN buildings. For example, all ice melter products used at these facilities must be free of chlorides,” Wice said. “Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ has been formulated to be reasonably priced and still meet GREEN buildings specifications. It features a combination of ingredients, including CMA (Calcium Magnesium Acetate), to pull down the product’s low temperature melting range.”
CMA is made of dolomite lime and acetic acid, and is perfect where corrosion or environmental issues are of concern, Wice added.
Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ is colored green to help pre- vent over-application, is safe on concrete, when used as directed, and is easy to apply.
“We feel Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter™ will satisfy an im- portant niche in the marketplace. As a company, XYNYTH’s mantra for the past 30 years is that of being an eco-friendly ice melt provider. This product adds to our legacy,” Wice said;
Winter Warrior CMA Icemelter™ , is the second new XYNYTH deicer to be GREEN buildings compliant. The product is made from 100 percent CMA, and is biodegradable, non-corrosive and safe on concrete, when used as directed. It performs to -12°C (10°F), is chloride/nitrogen free and easy to apply; and, Arctic CLEAR Window & Mirror De-icer™ , which is a liquid hand spray deicer specif- ically designed to clear ice, frost and light snow from windshields, windows, mirrors, locks, headlights, doors and other surfaces.
The new product clears on contact, is streak and residue free, effective to -42°C (-44°F), prevents ice from forming/refreezing, contains biodegradable ingredients, and is safe on car finishes.
“This product contains the same type of ingredients that are used to spray on the wings of aircraft in the winter. The new item is designed for both commercial and retail use,” Wice said. “We have received some great responses from distributors who sell to end-users with vehicle fleets. These end-users are looking for a product to deice windshields before their morning deliveries.
“As a company, we are always looking at new directions in the deicing marketplace. Arctic CLEAR Window & Mirror De-icer™is a prime example. It contains biodegradeable ingredients, which fits in well with XYNYTH’s focus of being an environmentally friendly company.” Arctic CLEAR Window & Mirror De-icer™ is sold by both the case and pallet.
The No. 1 selling item at XYNYTH remains the company’s established Mountain Or- ganic Natural Icemelter™ .It’s specifically designed to melt ice and snow effectively while posing no risk to users, pets, concrete or the environment, when used as directed. “There remains a very strong following for this product 20-plus years after its introduc- tion,” Wice said. Fertilizer-based Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter™ begins working immediately after application, and is effective to -23°C (-9°F). It also boasts an unlimited shelf life, and is com- pletely safe for those handling the product, according to Wice. Due to its potassium content, he added, Mountain actually helps repair damage caused by long-term use of environmentally harmful ice melters such as rock salt.
Other ice melters from XYNYTH that work fast under harsh winter conditions, but are safer for the planet, are Arctic ECO Green Icemelter™ and Winter Warrior Runway Control™ .
“These two products are exciting for both XYNYTH and its customers,” Wice said. “Arctic ECO Green Icemelter™ has been designed with the environment in mind, while also focusing on price. It’s layered with various ingredients to provide many different attributes, such as having an anti-corrosive feature.”
There are many people in the marketplace today who want to buy environmentally friendly products, Wice added. The challenge, however, is that a number of these consumers don’t want to spend extra money.
“To answer this challenge, XYNYTH introduced Arctic ECO Green Icemelter™ five years ago, using a special encapsulation process. We take sodium chloride and encapsulate it with CMA, which helps eliminate the negative side effects of the sodium. Then, we multi-encapsulate the granules with potassium acetate, so that every granule of sodium going into the ground is buffered by potassium, a major ingredient in fertilizer,” Wice said.
By using sodium chloride, XYNYTH officials are able to bring the cost of the product down.
“It’s not as high-end a deicer as our Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter™, but it’s neutral to the environment, and will not ruin the sur- rounding soil structure,” Wice said. “One of the things that has made this product popular is that Arctic ECO Green Icemelter™ is truly a manufac- tured item. Every granule is multi-coated. It’s also dyed green for better application.”
Meanwhile, Winter Warrior Runway Control™has provided the impe- tus for XYNYTH’s newly introduced products. “We have quite a following of people who are buying Winter Warrior Runway Control™ to use around their GREEN buildings as it meets this standard,” Wice said. The deicer was originally developed for airport runways and surround- ing areas, and meets both LEED and FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) certifications. “Winter Warrior Runway Control™ and Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter™ are also both approved by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for use in food processing facilities,” Wice said. “They can guard against corrosion in these plants, such as helping to protect ex- pensive refrigeration units.”
A reformulated product introduced two years ago by XYNYTH is Arctic Orange™ Icemelter . Wice said every granule of this deicer contains sodium chloride, potassium chlo- ride and calcium chloride. It’s dyed a bright orange for proper surface application. Although not considered a “green” deicer, Wice said Arctic Orange™ Icemelter offers a powerful, lower-end option. He added the product is effective to -29ºC (-20ºF).
Wice described the winter of 2015/2016 as being “average” for many sections of North America.
“A lot of winter weather came later in the season and left early. Despite this milder weather, XYNYTH was able to pick up new business,” he said. “Although it’s hard to predict weather over the long term, there is some indication that with an expected La Niña taking place (across the equatorial east central Pacific Ocean), the upcoming winter season could be more active.”
According to Wice, summer is a perfect time for distributors to put their early booking programs together, while also making sure sales staffs understand all the benefits and features of quality ice melters.
“Not all ice melters are created equal, and each end-user can have different requirements. For example, a person in charge of a LEED-certified building will absolutely not want to use just any kind of product. He/she is going to want to use something like Winter Warrior Enviro LEED Icemelter™,” Wice said. “It’s always good to talk with, and discover, the true needs of each end-user. This can dictate with type of ice melter a distributor should recommend.”
To help, XYNYTH provides both live and online education/training options. This includes its “Ice Melt University,” which offers training programs specifically geared toward distributors, and their end-use customers.